Newsletter October 2005

A Note from the Branch President

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
At the October general monthly meeting the Branch will hold nominations for Shop Stewards, Branch Officers and Convention Delegates. If you are interested in running for any position, now is the time to throw your hat into the ring. If there are any contested positions, an election will follow to determine the winners for the 2006 term. In addition, I will be appointing an Election Committee to oversee the election. If you are interested and not running for a contested position, please attend the next meeting and volunteer when called upon.
I have been in contact with the representatives of the United Concordia Dental Plan trying to find a solution to the enrollment numbers. We are trying to get clearance from the Plan Administrator to allow us to roll out the Plan without getting the required prior enrollment quotas. Our hope is that when crunch time comes maybe we will get enough members to make the Plan float. I will keep you updated on any developments.
Steve Lipski 

Next Meeting October 19

The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 8 PM, at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the third Wednesday of each month, 8 pm, except during the months of July and August. 

Branch Officer & Shop Stewards Meetings Wednesday, October 12

The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are Held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, October 12, 7:30 and 8 p.m. respectively. 

Attendance Prize Now At $25

Val Apartin, a Branch member working out of the Marlton office, was the winner of the $100 attendance prize drawn at the September 21 regular monthly meeting. The prize now stands at $25 and will accumulate at $25 per meeting up to a maximum of $250 until a Branch member’s name is called who is in attendance at a regular meeting of the Branch.

Health Benefits Plan Open Season:
November 14 through December 12


NALC Health Benefit Plan Rates For 2006

Self Only Self & Family
Active Carriers (biweekly) $37.97  $ 59.07
Annuitants (monthly) $136.71 $251.64


Welcome New Branch Members

Heather Harrow (Stratford) Steve Nelson (Maple Shade)
Daniel Hoerst (Gloucester) Gina Zulli (Swedesboro)
Ruby McLeod (Bridgeton) Steven Raimer (Magnolia)
Robert Leithead (Somerdale) Christian Zappley (Riverton)


Notice of Nominations and Election of Branch Officers, Shop Stewards and Convention Delegates – Wednesday, October 19

This is to provide official notice that nominations for the election of Branch Officers, Shop Stewards and Convention Delegates for the term 2006 thru 2007 shall take place at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 9 pm.
Elections shall be by secret mail ballot of the eligible Branch membership held as soon as possible after nominations at the October regular monthly meeting. Nominations shall be made from the meeting room floor or in writing to the Branch Recording Secretary, mailed or presented to him/her prior to or at the October 19 regular Branch meeting. Each eligible member of the Branch nominated for office shall accept or reject nominations in person or in writing prior to the adjournment of the October 19 regular monthly Branch meeting. Failure to accept nomination for Branch office prior to adjournment of the October 19 regular Branch meeting will invalidate the nomination. Shop Stewards shall be nominated by an eligible Branch member from the office at which the nominee is employed to represent the Branch membership. Installation of Branch Officers, Shop Stewards and Convention Delegates shall take place at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch in January. Offices up for election include that of the Branch President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Trustees’ Chairman, (4) Trustees, Health Benefits Representative, Housing Chairperson, Sgt. at Arms, (38) Shop Stewards and approximately (36) Convention Delegates. The number of Convention Delegates to be compensated for their attendance at a State or National Convention, provided they meet the eligibility requirements for such compensation, shall not exceed three (3) percent of the total Branch membership. 

Mailing And Return Of Branch Election Ballots

Branch election ballots will be prepared and mailed out by the Branch Election Committee on Wednesday, November 2 for completion and return to the Election Committee by Wednesday, December 14. The results of the election will be announced by the Election Committee at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on Wednesday, December 21

Dates to Remember

Officers & SS Meetings: Wednesday, October 12
Branch Meeting: Nominations of Branch Officers, Shop Stewards & Convention Delegates: Wednesday, October 19
Election Ballots Mailed out: Wednesday, November 2
Election Ballots Return date: Wednesday, December 14
Election Results Announced: Wednesday, December 21


Postal Reform

“Letter carriers want Postal Reform, but we wont accept reform designed to reduce pay and benefits of postal employees or to undermine our collective bargaining rights”: Bill Young, NALC President

OWCP Officer

Ed Friel is our injury compensation Officer. If you have any questions or need forms regarding an injury on the job, call Ed at 856-468-7339


Branch Expense Report for June – August

Printing Branch Newsletter $90.10
Postage $244.57
Phone $223.13
Office Supplies $264.12
Hall Rental $990.00
Meeting Refreshments $332.05
Subscriptions, etc. $89.00
Annual Picnic $2,564.96
Per Capita Tax $432.00
Officers Salaries (net) $2,146.39
Shop Steward Salaries (net) $10,205.00
Employers FICA, Medicare $1,978.50
Employees FICA, Medicare Income Tax $2,859.23
Employer State Taxes $362.02
Employees State Taxes $239.40
Employees State Inc. Taxes $387.82
N/P Corporate & State Assements $84.76        
Total Expenses $33,493.05


Dispute Resolution Settlements – Riverton

Grievant to be paid thirteen (13) hours straight pay. Management will cease and desist further action. (COIN 4C-C 04184511)
Grievant will be paid forty (40) hours straight pay. Management will cease and desist further action. (COIN 4C-C 04184513) 

NALC Years of Service Lapel Pins Received

Norm Spence, Branch Membership Chairman, has announced the receipt of and will present NALC Years of Service Lapel Pins to the following members of the Branch at the October 19 regular monthly meeting . Congratulations, Frank, Ken, Tom and Bill:

Frank Silipino (Hammonton, 25 years)
Kenneth Grasso (Hammonton,30 years)
Tom Koehler (Voorhees, 30 years)
Bill Wilson (Retired, Deptford/Woodbury, 45 years)


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

EAP is a 24-hour, 7-day a week free help line. It is there for all postal employees. EAP can help you with any number of issues, and the help line is not just for job-related matters. EAP covers family, health or workplace issues, etc. The list is endless. The help line is 1-800-EAP-4-You, or you can log on by way of the internet at www.EAP4You.comEAP is there to help, and it is completely confidential. Branch 908 EAP Representative is Paul Poniatowski, and he can be reached at: 1-609-941-1982

Branch Appointments

Due to the resignation of the following Branch Officers and Shop Stewards President Lipski has announced the appointment of the following:
Paul Poniatowski – has been appointed to the positions of Shop Steward, Runnemede, Branch Trustee and EAP Representative due to the resignation of Fred Mendel, Shop Steward Runnemede, and Mike McKiernan, Branch Trustee.
April Gibbons – Has been appointed Shop Steward at Marlton due to the resignation of Mary Hackett

Thank You Branch 908

“Thank you Branch 908 for the donation you made to the Postal Employees Relief Fund in memory of my mother.” (The Connelly family).
“Thank you for your recent donation made in the memory of Leon Wolbert. Your gift makes it possible for us to continue to provide hospice care to anyone, regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay.” (South Jersey Healthcare Hospice) 

Branch Benefits

Sick & Welfare
Active members suffering periods of illness or disability shall be entitled to sick & welfare benefits. Contact: Paul Poniatowski.

Death Benefits
The beneficiary of record of a deceased active or retired Branch member shall be entitled to death benefits. Contact: Mike DiGiacomo.

Expressions of Sympathy
In the event of the death of a spouse, children, or the parents of an active Branch member, or the death of an active or retired member in good standing, an appropriate spray of flowers or equivalent donation shall be made to an organization requested by the bereaved family or beneficiary. Contact: Paul Poniatowski.

Branch Representation at Funerals
Representation of the Branch at the funeral services of a deceased active of retired member shall be the responsibility of the Shop Steward at the office involved, the Director of Retirees, or the Sick and Welfare Chairperson or their designee. Contact: Shop Steward, Director of Retirees, Sick & Welfare representative.

Optical Benefits
Optical benefits for the benefit of active and retired members and/or their families have been established by the Branch. Contact: Fred Mendel.

Branch Scholarship
The Branch has established a Scholarship Fund of $2,000, $500 per year for 4 years, for the children, grandchildren, step-children (living with member), and/or the adopted children of active or retired members. Contact: Steve Rutkowski.

Retirement Recognition
The Branch shall honor its retirees at an annual Retirees’ Brunch, and presents them with an appropriate gift in recognition of their retirement from the Postal Service. Contact: Bill Revak.

Children’s Christmas Party
Children’s annual Christmas party. Toys, refreshments for children and parents of active and retired members in good standing. Picture with Santa, clowns, balloons, face-painting, etc. Contact: Donna Villec.

Union Activity Discipline
The Branch shall pay $400 per week for discipline of up to (4) weeks, thirty (30) days, of any Branch Officer or Shop Steward disciplined for his/her Union activities.

Hall Rentals
The American Legion Hall where the Branch regularly meets is available to the membership for rent at a reduced rate for small weddings, birthday parties, graduations, showers, anniversaries, etc. Bill Revak.

Legal Assistance
Branch membership provides for free consultation and legal representation at reduced raters. Call Hal Crass, Branch Attorney, at 856-845-7900.

NALC Lapel Pin Program
If you believe that you have met the requirements for an NALC Lapel Pin or Life Membership Card, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 or 50 years of continuous NALC membership, contact Norm Spence, Branch Financial Secretary to file for an appropriate lapel pin or Life Membership Card.


2010 NALC National Convention

The NALC Executive Committee has announced that the 2010 National Convention will be held in Anaheim, CA, not far from Disneyland.
The 2006 convention is being held in Las Vegas, and the 2008 convention will be held in Boston.