Newsletter October 2002


A Note From the President

In February of 2003, our Branch will become 100 years old. It is impressive to research an infant Branch that started as a “Company Union” and evolved into a well-organized and well-respected labor organization. It is also impressive to think about the Brothers and Sisters who have come before us and molded this Branch into what it is today. They worked under terrible conditions and made horrible wages, often times needing welfare assistance just to make ends meet. However, they persevered! It is in the memory of these individuals that I feel that we should celebrate this great milestone. I would like each member to please think of ways that we can commemorate this special occasion. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Steve Lipski, President

Next Meeting – October 16

The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, October 16, 8 PM, at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. Regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except in July and August.

Branch Officers & Shop Stewards Meeting – October 9

The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, October 9, 7:30 and 8 PM respectively.

Attendance Prize Stands At $100

Had he been at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on Wednesday, September 18, Mike Fitzgerald, a Branch member working out of the Deptford office, would have been the winner of the $75 attendance prize. The prize now goes up to $100 for the drawing at the October 16 meeting.

NALC Urges Support Of Combined Federal Campaign

The annual Combined Federal Campaign is kicking off in postal and federal facilities across the nation and the NALC is urging letter carriers to donate generously through payroll deductions. The CFC campaign is an excellent way for letter carriers to donate to the Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (CFC #9891) which assists letter carriers and other employees of the USPS who are victims of major disasters such as hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and major fires.

Last Day To Register To Vote In November Election – October 7, 2002


Election of National NALC Officers And Business Agents – October 1-22

The National Election Committee has set October 1-22 as the dates for the mail ballot election of national officers in contested elections. Election ballots will be placed in the mail by the Election Committee on October 1 and 2 to all eligible members. Ballots must be returned to the Election Committee by 11:59 p.m. EDT on October 22 to be counted. To be eligible to vote, a person must be a regular member of the NALC in good standing as of June 1, 2002. The following is the order that names will appear on the ballot as selected by the Election Committee. Our National Business Agent, Tim O’Malley, was unopposed and was declared elected at the National Convention.President
William H. Young
Michael L. Willadsen

Jane E. Broendel
Alfred F. Rick

Director Of Retired Members
Carl Soderstrom
Don Southern

Board Of Trustees (3)
Lawrence (Larry) Brown, Jr
Randall L. Keller
Ed Ashistedt
Jack Petrowsky
Dan Rupp
Mike Woolsey


Annual Uniform Allowance Increase $328

The Uniform Account increase to $328 annually included in the 2001-2006 National Agreement was to be implemented on August 30. The increase was retroactive to November 21, 2001. Carrier accounts with anniversary dates since November 21 should have been adjusted to reflect the increase. All anniversary dates after August 30, 2002, should reflect the new $328 allotment.

Additions And Corrections To Step “B”

Article 15.2, Formal Step A (g) of the 2001-2002 National Agreement provides for the option of filing “additions and corrections” to Step B. It is the Steward’s responsibility to ensure, if filed, that “additions and corrections” are included with the Step B appeal. It is also the responsibility of the Steward, at the same time, to provide a copy of any “additions and corrections” to the management formal Step A official. If management elects to respond to any “additions and corrections”, the response must be within the timeframes established in Article 15 of the National Agreement.

Transformation Task Force

In a memo of understanding signed by the parties under date of August 7, 2002, the parties agreed to the establishment of a joint task force to explore alternate delivery models that will successfully position the Postal Service as the premier provider of delivery services to every home and business in the nation. The joint task force is chartered to analyze the impact that the changing business and technical environment will have on both delivery service and city letter carriers. With that impact in mind, the task force will explore opportunities for potential changes in delivery services that will enhance opportunities for revenue generation and provide flexibility to keep pace with changing business needs. The task force is slated to begin work no later than 60 days from the signing of the memorandum.

Resource Management Systems (RMD)(eRMS) – M-01468

A Step 4 grievance decision rendered on9/09/02, M-01468, provides that the Program RMD must comply with the privacy act as well as handbooks, manuals and published regulations relating to leave and attendance.

Long Term Care Insurance Open Season – July 1 to December 31

A regular “open season” for long term care insurance (LTC) will be conducted from July 1 to December 31, 2002. This new insurance is being offered through OPM to all federal and postal employees, military personnel, retirees, survivors, current spouses, and some other family members, including adult children and parents. The insurance is separate from health benefits. You will have a choice of benefit levels but there is only one provider, chosen by OPM, and the employee or annuitant must pay 100% of the premium. Premiums are based on age and general health, among other factors.

Vehicle Reimbursement Rates

Article 41.4.3.b.
1. The furnishing of a vehicle by a city carrier for transportation to and from the route shall be voluntary; no carrier may be coerced into furnishing a vehicle or carrying passengers or relays without the carrier’s consent. A written authorization (Form 1311) shall be executed by the installation head in every instance, with a copy of said authorization to be retained by the installation head and the carrier. Carriers shall not drive their cars to and from the route for their own personal convenience.
2. Reimbursement to a carrier who provides a vehicle shall be determined locally by written agreement between the carrier and installation head and shall be no less nor more than the sum of the amounts computed under each of the facts listed below, as applicable to the individual case.
3. All carriers furnishing a vehicle for transporting themselves, passengers, and mail to and from the assigned routes shall be reimbursed on a mileage-zone basis as follows:
a. For transportation of carrier and carry-out swing from delivery unit to beginning of route when distances is 1/2 mile or more or from end of route if route begins less than, but ends more than 1/2 mile from delivery unit.


Reimbursement Rates


Daily Rate

0.5 to 1.0 $2.40
1.1 to 1.5 $2.65
1.6 to 2.0 $2.75
2.1 to 3.0 $2.90
3.1 to 4.0 $2.95
4.1 to 5.0 $3.25
Over 5 $3.30 plus 20 cents per each additional mile (one way) over five miles to beginning of route.

b. When carriers use their vehicles as transportation for distances of more than 1/2 mile between segments of a route or routes, they will be reimbursed sixty cents for each such movement.



2003 NALC Health Benefits Plan Rates

Self Only Self & Family
Active Letter Carriers (biweekly) $28.71 (+$0.50) $42.37 (-$1.01)

Annuitants (monthly)

$104.95 (+5.56) $189.48 (+$8.09)


Purge of Letters Of Warning Clarification

If a letter of warning was issued up to April 24, 2002, when it has been effect for six (6) months, it is also to be purged. April 25, 2002, on the memo only relates to the date the MOU was signed.

Article 27, Employee Claims Clarification

A memorandum of understanding by the parties at the national level under the date of August 8, 2002, has been executed to clarify the appeal process after a Step B Team has impassed an employee claim. The parties agreed to revise the language of the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 27 of the National Agreement as follows:
A decision letter impassing a claim in whole or in part will include notification of the Union’s right to appeal the decision to arbitration under Article 15. The Step B Team will provide the National Business Agent a copy of the impasse referenced above, the claim form, and all documentation submitted in connection with the claim. The Step B Team will also provide a copy of the impasse to the steward whose recommendation is part of the claim form.

Welcome New Members

S. R. Purdy – Riverton
D. P. Deeney – Bellmawr

Branch Retiree Retains Membership

George Jackson – A recent retiree out of the Sewell post office has opted to retain his membership in the NALC and the Branch. George is a former Branch Officer and Shop Steward who is now living in Wyoming. Anyone wishing to say hello can reach George at PO Box 792, Afton, WY, 83110.

Thank You Cards Received

“Brothers & Sisters:
Thank you for the kind and generous gesture of the fruit basket. All support is greatly appreciated at such a sorrowful time.
Melissa Janssen
Deptford “”To my fellow brothers and sisters of NALC Branch 908:
Thank you very much for your participation as a hole sponsor of our first “Friends of Joshua Goldstein” golf outing and dinner banquet. The event was a big success. We look forward to 2nd annual in 2004. Perhaps some of you can come out to the event. Have a wonderful Summer and be safe!
David Goldstein & family
NALC Branch 769
Haddonfield ”


Fund Raising Benefit – November 16

There will be a fund-raising benefit for carrier Joe Ward who has contracted a flesh-eating disease which necessitated the amputation of his leg. The benefit will be held on Saturday, November 16, 8 PM to 12 am at the Clementon Fire Hall, Gibbsboro Road, Clementon. $25 donation per person, which includes a buffet, setups, DJ and dancing. Bring your own bottle. For more information, call Ray Roman @ 627-5160, or Joe Walder Jr. @ 566-0673.

Local Negotiations October 1 – 30, 2000

See your Shop Steward for details and information about local negotiations at your office.