Newsletter February 98

Next Meeting - February 18
The regular monthly meeting of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except in July and August. The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be on Wednesday, February 18, 8pm at the Colonial Manor American Legion Post Home, 502 Colonial Ave., N. Woodbury.


Branch Officers, Executive Board Meetings - February 11
The Branch Officers and the Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers meets at 7pm, and the Executive Board at 8pm. The next meetings of the Board of Officers and the Executive Board will be on Wednesday, February 11, at 7pm and 8pm, respectively.


Attendance Prize - $175
Active member A. C. Ricardi, Blackwood carrier, would have been the recipient of the $150 attendance prize at the January meeting had he been in attendance. The prize now stands at $175 for the February meeting.


Dues Now due For Direct Pay Retired Members
This notice is for the following retirees who do not have NALC dues deducted from their Annuitant check. Your dues of $10 per annum is now due. Send your dues to the Recording Secretary, Bill Revak, at PO Box 385, Woodbury, 08096. Payment of such per capita tax is due no later than February 28:
William Cleary, Dom Corsoe, Harry Heard, Joe Keown, George Koerner, Florence Morgey, George Murdock, Sam Rosenberg, John Russell, and Pete Yurgin


Social Security Benefits No Longer Reduced Because of Military Pension
As a result of provisions in the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994, Social Security benefits will no longer be reduced because of receiving a pension based on military reserve duty. If you think the change in this law applies to you, contact Social Security toll-free representatives on weekdays between 7am and 7pm at 1-800-772-1213.


Shop Steward Training
February 19
Shop Steward training for Branch Shop Stewards, officers and other interested Branch members, conducted by the Branch President and Vice President, will be held on ,b>Thursday, February 19, 8pm.


Jack O'Shea
It is with deep regret that we report the death of Jack O'Shea, our former National Business Agent. Jack passed away on Sunday, January 25, 1998, and was laid to rest on Thursday, January 29, 1998. The family has requested that donations be made to the Hospice of the American Cancer Society.


1998 Branch Budget
The Branch Board of Officers has met and will present the proposed Branch budget for 1998 at the February 18 regular monthly meeting of the Branch. Copies of the budget will be presented to the membership prior to a motion to accept the budget as proposal.


Special Route Inspections, 271g
If over any 6 consecutive week period (where work performance is otherwise satisfactory) a route shows over 30 minutes of overtime or auxiliary assistance, on each of 3 days or more in each week during this period, the carrier assigned to such route shall, upon request, receive a special mail count and inspection to be completed within 4 weeks of the request. The month of December must be excluded from consideration when determining a 6 consecutive week period. However, if a period of overtime and/or auxiliary assistance begins in November and continues into January, then January is considered as a consecutive period even though December is omitted. A new 6 consecutive week period is not begun.
Section 272, Manner In Which Conducted: When special inspections are made because of conditions mentioned in 271, they must conducted in the same manner as the formal count and inspection.
8-Hour City Delivery Routes: According to Article 41.3, NA, and the M-39, "City delivery routes must be adjusted to as nearly 8 hours daily work as possible."


New Policy - Curbing Wheels
Because of inquiries about the damage being caused to delivery vehicle tires when curbing wheels, delivery personnel are now being instructed that when curbing wheels the only situation in which the tire tread should touch the curb is when parking up or down hill. According to the instructions, "Curbing" simply is the act of turning your vehicle tire toward, or in some cases, away from the curb. Even when there isn't a curb, you will still turn your wheels when parking. According to the NJ State Driving Manual, the vehicle must be parked 6 inches from the curb when curbing wheels.


Maple Shade Carriers Voting on Article 41.3.0.
Carriers at Maple Shade are in the process of deciding whether on a one-time basis they would like to delete the provisions of Article471.3.0., from their local agreement. 41.3.0. provides that in the event of the abolishment of a FT carrier assignment, all the FT assignments of carriers junior to the carriers whose assignment is being abolished will be posted for bid. The issue came about as the result of a proposed abolishment of a full-time route position at the office. The Branch decided that it should conduct the vote because of concerns expressed over the manner in which the vote was conducted previously by members of the Branch at the office.


New Jersey State Congressional Breakfast
The 46th Annual New Jersey Congressional Breakfast will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, DC on Wednesday and Thursday, March 18 and 19. President Sombrotto will host a rap session on the evening of the 18th. Prior to and at the Breakfast, delegates will be discussing with their congressional representative issues of concern to letter carriers, their families and retirees.


Branch Grievance Activity 1997

1996 Total Grievances              100
1997 Total Grievances           155
Contract                        85
Discipline                      70
Resolved                        108
Withdrawn                       20
Pending/Appealed                27


Article 12 Activity 9/97 To Date

Office              Orrig.   Withheld        Curr.  Withheld     Change        
Glouco/Bell     Four   1,5,7,9          Two    1,5          2
Maple Shade     Two     3,T-6           One     3           1
Marlton         Two     14,18           One    14           1
Paulsboro       One      T-6            Zero                1
Somerdale       One      2              Zero                1
Wood/Dept.      Three  10,28,T-6        Two    10,28        1
Natioanl Park   One      3              Zero                1
Wmstwn.         One     T-6             One    T-6          0


Regional Rap Session
February 22,23,24
The annual Region 12 Rap Session will be held at the Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, February 22, 23,24. The Rap Session will begin on Monday, the 23rd, 9am., and conclude on Tuesday, the 24th at 1pm. Hotel Room cost is $72 per night, single/double. Reservations must be made by February 1. Notify VP Steve Lipski, if you plan to attend, as he needs to submit a registration fee for all who will attend from the Branch.


Vito Appointed Shop Stewad At Voorhees
John Vito, Financial Secretary, former Shop Steward and carrier at Voorhees, now retired, has been appointed Shop Steward for the carriers working out of the Voorhees office.


Branch Benefits
Sick & Welfare Active Members suffering a period of illness or disability are entitled to sick and welfare benefits. Call Committee Chairman Joe Walder, for type, amount and eligibility requirements.

Death Benefits The beneficiary of record of deceased active or retired Branch members is entitled to death benefits. Also, in the event of the death of a spouse, children or parent of an active Branch member, an appropriate spray of flowers or equivalent payment shall be made to an organization requested by the bereaved family or beneficiary. Call Committee Chairman Tom Walsh, for type, amount and eligibility requirements.

Optical Benefits Optical benefits for eye exams and/or the purchase of glasses, contact lenses, etc. are available, Call Committee Chairman Jim Serock, for type, amount, and eligibility requirements.

Retiree Benefits The Branch honors its retirees at an annual retirees' Breakfast, and provides an NALC retirement pin, an NALC coaches jacket, and/or other suitable gifts upon retirement. Retiree dues are $10 per annum. For retirement information or assistance, call Retiree Director Bill Revak.

Branch Scholarship The Branch has an established Scholarship fun of $2000, $500 per year, four (4) years, available for the children, grandchildren, and/or the adopted children of active or retired members. One such scholarship is awarded each year by way of the luck of a draw. For information and eligibility requirements, call Committee Chairman Steve Lipski.

Reduced Hall Rentals The American Legion Hall where the Branch regularly meets, is available at a reduced rate for active, retired members and their families. For further information and details, call Bill Revak.


Branch Grievance Results
Marlton - 3 carriers on OTDL paid 1, 1.63, & 2 hours respectively for available work on 10/24/97. (111497A)
Marlton - 2 carriers on OTDL paid 1 and .50 hours respectively for available work on 11/4/98. (111497B)
Marlton - Grievant given voucher for 8 hours administrative leave in settlement of grievance. (111497D)
Maple Shade - Emergency and 14-day suspension rescinded, and all records pertaining thereto expunged from grievant's OPF, no back pay. (117976-112597)
Marlton - 4 carriers to receive 4 hours each to be used in exchange for any approved annual leave, due to their use on days when adequate OTDL personnel were available. (112697B)
Marlton - LOW for extension of lunch and street time to be removed after 1 year. (010898A)
Voorhees - DPS figures will be given Shop Steward when requested. (011498ab)
Voorhees - Union will be given convenient parking spit as soon as possible. (011448a)
Voorhees - Employee/steward discussions not to be held in swing room, in sight of ceiling TV camera. (011498c)
Voorhees - Management will not force carrier craft employees to sign any non-postal forms. (011498f)
Voorhees - Carriers will be granted special inspections as requested. (011498g)
Paulsboro - Grievant sustained. OTDL grievant will be paid 1 hour OT for OT work performed by non-OTDL carrier.
Paulsboro - 2 carriers paid 1 hour and ― hour OT respectively for OT work performed by non-OT carrier.


District Vehicle Backing Policy
"Carriers are required to provide address/locations where backing cannot be avoided. The supervisor/postmaster will visit each location to determine if backing can be eliminated. If it cannot be avoided, the location will be listed in the route book on a separate list of approved/authorized backing locations. The carrier and supervisor will sign and date each authorized location."


Carrier Discipline
"No carrier shall be discipline for failure to meet standards, except cases of unsatisfactory effort which must be based on documented, unacceptable conduct that led to the his/her failure to meet office standards." (M-39, Section 242.332)


No Street Standards
There are no things such as "street standards" other that the principle of a fair days pay. No carrier has to skip his/her lunch or street break, and no carrier has to run or take improper shortcuts.


Limited Duty Personnel
The District has announced that plans are in the works to identify and review the records of personnel who have been on limited duty for an extended period of time with no recuperative attempts and no motivation on their part to get off. The District advised that if such employees are not expected to get better they should be reclassified as Category 69. If expected to recover, they should be placed in positions that will enhance their rehabilitation. (Joint Labor-Management meeting, 1/15/98)


Thank You Cards Received
Ron & Mary Jane Hamlin & Family.
Bob Rumaker, National Park PO.
Harry Breyer, retired, Deptford
Rose Burk, Liz, Fran, Frank & Edna
Mike Breyer on death of his grandfather
Pat Kunasz & Members, Branch 2682